....Look at glorious Georgetown Penang

Thursday, April 15, 2010

....and a little detour,

Little did I know that getting a day's holiday on a cruise ship is so tiring. My wife and I were exasperated with the time taken and all the hassles to check-in, board and disembark.

While I was attracted to the "fun holidays on a cruise to nowhere" ads, and impelled by the influence of a couple of family friends who joined us, all other passengers were only keen on one thing - gambling in the casinos on board. That wasn't our piece of cake.

Fortunately and making our day, staff lined up each outlet we went to and we were greeted quite pleasantly albeit synthetically. The day, shall I say the night, was spent talking about the good ol' days and the better days ahead. It was convulsed with laughter.

We got ourselves sitting on cushy chairs next to the aisle on the starboard side that was lined by shopping outlets. It was the in-and-out aisle of one of the casinos..

We chatted over buckets of Heineken, snacks, gyoza, shishamo and sashimi; and watched happy faces going to you-know-where, and coming out after having laid eggs, -glum and grumpy faced, talking about their near-misses and losses. Some tried hiding it. There was not one single happy face out of the casino.

....and if ever anyone wants to describe faces of gamblers, this is it. This is "da place"!

Soon it was 4 in the morning, and we just had to hit our state room on deck 9.

Yes hit!...hit ourselves on our heads, trying to sleep in our bunker bed so small that's sized just perhaps good for pre-teens. No, never again. Can't even do my 40 winks!

Now I'm back home...and I just checked on the my blog's statistics, available through www.statcounter, a great way to know how your blog or website is progressing.

I'm absolutely delighted to find fans and readership to this blog increasing by the day, and the emails I get giving me ideas about making my blog even more interesting. Like adding photos. Glad followers to my blog like the writing style.

So, I'll take your advice, and I'll spice up my blogs. Watch what happens before the week is out, and I shall return with more tales about joyfully growing up in a heritage city.

Have a great day folks!

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