....Look at glorious Georgetown Penang

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

....and will Germany beat Spain in this World Cup 2010 semi-final?

It's just a few hours away from the World Cup semi-final between Germany and Spain.

My hands are getting itchy, and I might as well pen my thoughts right here and now....to continue from yesterday's blog.

Spain is a good team, slick passes and no doubt about this - they're good! ....and they have David Villa! They have the matador spirit in their genes, so basically, they are exhibitionists. They must remember that possession is not enough to win the match. Bull-fighters must always finish their job, not to entertain the crowd for a long time unless they want to be killed by the bull.

Germany's efficiency and precise co-ordination is a serious plus point! ....and they have Miraslov Klose!

They have good fluids in their mechanical set-up, they're dead against Spanish bull-fighting styles.  They are more into running an efficient fighting machine! I am confident this machine will work well in a few hours time.

Never mind if Thomas Muller is on a one match suspension - it looks like Klose is gonna wrap up ("Ta-Pau") Spain. It should be an exhilarating and adrenalin pumping match, and I'm standing by the young and dynamic Germany to progress into the finals!

I have more than enough Heineken & Paulaner in stock to watch that happen afterwards. I am well-prepared!

Yeah, then they'll meet Holland. ....and as I predicted, Holland is now in the finals. Don't get me wrong, I'm no soothsayer, I have no crystal ball and neither do I do tarots. But I'm yearning for that deja vu - Germany vs Holland in the final as it happened in the World Cup Final at Munich in 1974.
It will be one hell of a re-match after 36 years!

That I am dying to see. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, Germany to win - and win they definitely will, if Germany puts in the first goal. If that happens, Spain will be pulverised! But if Spain puts in the first goal, then it's a done deal - I'll have to eat German Sausage everyday for lunch, everyday for 3 weeks!

Good luck to those who are with Spain. Have a Spanish beer on me. Drink a--------------->>

....and just for laughs, I'm happy that Stephen Chow the Shao-Lin footballer is not in any of those two teams....kekeke, that will be hilarious!.. WAkA, WaKa, wAka!!!

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